
We love the Planet

Renewable Energy + Savings  =  Bliss


No installations, fees or fuss — just easy access to locally-produced, money-saving solar energy.

Benefits of Community Solar

There are many reasons to enroll


Community solar programs make solar energy accessible to a wider range of people. Not everyone can install solar panels on their property due to factors such as shading, ownership constraints, or affordability. Community solar allows individuals and businesses to participate in renewable energy projects without the need for on-site installations, expanding access to clean energy.


Cost Savings

Community solar programs often provide cost savings to participants. By subscribing to a community solar project, individuals can benefit from the electricity generated by the shared solar installation. This can result in lower energy bills compared to traditional utility rates, enabling participants to save money on their electricity costs.

Environmental Impact

Community solar programs contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean energy. By opting for solar energy through community programs, participants support the generation of renewable electricity, displacing fossil fuel-based energy sources. This leads to a reduced carbon footprint and a positive environmental impact, helping combat climate change.

Energy Independence

Community solar allows individuals and communities to generate their own energy and reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. This provides greater energy security and resilience.


Community Engagement

Community solar projects foster a sense of community and collaboration. Participants can connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and contribute to local renewable energy initiatives, creating a stronger sense of belonging and shared purpose.

Economic Development

Community solar projects often create local job opportunities in installation, maintenance, and project management. Additionally, they contribute to economic growth by attracting investments and stimulating the local economy.

© Copyright 2023. Renewable Energy LLC, DBA, Go Community Solar